September News
Here’s what’s happening in September…
Friday September 6 - 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday September 7 - 10 am to 1 pm
Our Yarn Swap is just days away! Whether you want to thin out your stash by selling some unwanted yarn, or you want to get some previously loved, but unused yarn for great prices, the YARN SWAP is for YOU! If you wish to sell your unwanted yarn to earn credit towards new yarn be sure to drop off your yarn in bags, labeled with forms from the shop by September 5. (Click HERE for details.)
Behind the Skeins
Graphic Dyeworks Launch Party!
Wednesday September 18 - 5-9 p.m.
If you follow our social media, you know we’ve been dropping little hints about something we are SO EXCITED about! Over the last few months we’ve been working with Kate Howland, a local Grand Rapids yarn dyer and creative spirit behind Graphic Dyeworks. In September we will begin carrying her small-batch, hand-dyed yarns!
To celebrate our happy collaboration, we are having a launch party where you can meet Kate and be the first to get your hands on her beautiful yarns. (Seriously, friends, this is some GORGEOUS yarn.) We will have samples of projects we’ve been working on and you’ll have a chance to sign up for the October Shawl KALS which will feature the Graphic Dyeworks Crystallographic Collection.
Mark your caledars and be sure to join us at this special event!
September KALs
Birds of a Feather is a beaufitul asymmetrical shawl by Andrea Mowry that uses two different weights of yarn and simple lace techniques. This KAL will be led by Jane on Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Call the shop or stop by in person to sign up!
Steek This Coffee Cozy - Ever want to try steeking but can’t quite bring yourself to take the scissors to a sweater? Here’s your chance to give steeking a try on a little coffee cozy. Linda will be leading this 2 session KAL on Thursdays from 10:30-12:00. The first meeting will be Sept. 12 where you will start knitting your cozy. You’ll have two weeks to finish the knitting beore the second meeting on Sept. 26, when Linda will lead you through the steeking. Call the shop or stop by to sign up :)
Wednesdays in October will be all about socks! We will offering tips and techniques for knitting 2-at-a-time socks, the “Fish Lips Kiss” heel, and a beautiful cabled sock pattern called “Posh.” Socktober will take place from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays before our regular knit night.
October 2 - Learn to cast on 2-at-a-time socks with Henny
October 9 - Learn the “Fish Lips Kiss” heel with Karen
October 16 - “Posh” - Cabled socks with Linda
October 23 - Learn how to turn the heel on 2-at-a-time socks with Henny
October 30 - Sock wrap up! Bring in your Socktober projects to finish up and show off!
Stop by the shop or call to sign up :)