April at HYS…
April KAL…
April showers bring PRESSED FLOWERS! This month’s KAL will be knitter’s choice from any of the Pressed Flowers patterns by Amy Christoffers. You can chose from a SHAWL, CARDIGAN, COWL, or HAT. As always you’ll save 15% on your supplies for the knit-along project when you join in on the fun. We are so excited to see the yarn and color combinations you come up with! Scroll a bit further down to see what Karen and Linda chose for their Pressed Flowers…
Pressed Flowers Shawl
Karen knit her beautiful Pressed Flowers Shawl in Malabrigo Susurro.
Pressed Flowers Cowl
Linda is making her cowl with Urth Yarns Uneek DK and Mirasol Llama Una.
West Michigan Yarn Quest
Ahhhh spring is just around the corner. (We promise!) And this year spring brings the West Michigan Yarn Quest! Dates of the WMYQ are May 12-20. Passports are now on sale and you can stop by to pick yours up anytime. We have a limited number, so don’t wait too long ;)
Knitting the National Parks…
We just got another shipment of these gorgeous books. And as you can see, Linda has been busy working her way through the patterns! We love the look of the Malabrigo Rios she’s using from leftovers in her stash. We were told these are from the last batch of books that will be printed for a while, so if you’ve been thinking of getting one, NOW is the time!
Last but not least, Henny is home from her winter travels and can’t wait to see everyone! Stop by the shop to welcome her home and see what’s in store for new spring yarns!