Re-opening by appointment!
Hello there! We’ve missed you so much and are excited to announce we will be opening next week for shopping by apointment. To make an appointment, visit the Henny’s Yarn Shop Page and click on the “Book Now” button.
Beginning June 2, we will be open the following days/hours:
Tuesdays: 10:00 - 1:00
Wednesdays: 1:00 - 4:00
Thursdays: 10:00 - 1:00
We will be limiting the number of customers in the store, and will continue offering curbside pick up for customers who prefer that option. To talk with Henny about curbside pick-up, please use the CONTACT PAGE on our website and let her know what you’re looking for.
For the safety of our customers, staff, and community, we ask that you wear a mask while visiting the shop. We will be taking extra care to clean high contact areas and will have hand sanitizer at the entrance and check-out station.
Looking forward to seeing YOU again and sharing our love of YARN!